Frequently asked questions

1. How can you complete a certification exam ? 
A. We have very good relation with the testing centers. We pay a lot of money to them and purchase the exam questions from them and sell the same questions to many people. We will give the real exam questions in pdf format the same questions will appear on the exam word to word.
2. Certification is an online exam and exam questions are not same for all then how can you sell the same questions to many people?

A. Your exam questions will be selected randomly from the exam server. We will give all the questions that are there on the exam server so all your exam questions will be selected from my pdf file(s) only. 

3. Will you also provide the answers for the questions?
A. Yes. 

4. What is the guarantee that i will pass the exam? What if i fail the exam?

A. Till now We certified many number of people not even one person failed. 100% exam pass is assured. Since We are giving you the real exam questions with answers the probability to fail the exam is negligible. If you fail the exam send the scanned copy of your score report your money will be returned. No questions will be asked. We guarantee that you will pass the exam.

For double security We will give you 2 pdf files you will find 90% of the questions similar in both the sets which gives youconfidence and double security.

There are exams(rather than oracle's java exam) that We cannot handle in case if We get any customer for those exams We will tell them clearly that We cannot handle that exam. We will take money only if We are 100% confident that you will pass the exam.

5. You said you already certified many people, what is the proof ?

 I can show the screen shots of my email conversation, people saying me thanks those who already passed the exams.
                                               click here

6. Where do you stay? can i meet you ? what is your contact number?
A. I am staying in Noida. Yes you can meet me. My contact number +91-8468971284. 

7. After the payment how do i get the exam questions and how long it will take?

A. Exam questions will be sent in email with in 24 hours after receiving the clear payment. 

8. For how long the exam questions are valid ?

A. You can attend for the exam at any time. Please send me an email 3 days before writing the exam asking for the new questions or changes if any , in case if there are any new questions added i will give them you need not pay anything for this. Please inform me before you pay the exam fees. 

9. Can you write my exam?

A. No. 

10. I am in Canada/US/UK so will i still get the same questions writing it here. Do you have any customers from abroad ? 

A. Certification is an online exam and exam questions are same all over the world so you can choose any testing center of your choice (world wide). I have many customers from UK,US & Canada and they all passed exams by writing there. 

11. How much i have to pay?

1. You have to transfer 23$ or 1250 INR.

12. How can i pay the money?

1. You can transfer the money using NEFT or deposit by cash by visiting the bank.

or 2. You can pay using SBI atm card. Ask me for more details. 
or 3. www.paypal.com 

or 4. Western union money transfer

or 5Cheque.